About me

Hi, I am Claudia.

I am child psychologist, early childhood educator and cultural and life Coach for children. My biggest passion in this life: Be around Kids everyday.

Probably my story in this journey begins in my own childhood.When I think in my elementary school years, I remember a particular boy who was my classmate and used to sit in the corner of the classroom alone. He had some difficulties to learn. At that time, I did not know that his problem had a specific name, “Dyslexia.” However, I was completely aware of the deep sorrow that this boy was carrying within himself. His eyes told me this, and I did not have the professional knowledge to help him, but I had the desire to do so. Perhaps, the reason why always remember him is because he unconsciously helped me to be more sensitive and realize that my real passion is making a difference in other’s lives.

Now,that I understand the importance of behaviors, attitudes, emotions, and the impact of these on the lives of people, I am aware of the urgency to start working all of these issues from childhood. Because what children acquire throughout their younger years, they will carry on for life. The best way to address this subject is to be informed about different ways to promote and develop social, emotional, and academic skills in our young children. For that reason, through this page you will be able to read my posts and suggestions in the field. I would also love to hear from you so that we all together can work towards a bright future for our children.

My other great passion is creating a community in which ALL children are treated fairly and equally  regardless of their race, culture, language, religion, disability, gender, socio-economic background, etc. I strongly believe that each and everyone of the children deserve to reach their fullest potential in life. Once again, my interest in this topic could be explained through my own personal experience.

The day I was born, I was not more than an innocent and fragile baby, who had no idea that the warm winds of South America would carry me to unknown places. Those winds took me to America, and since then I have gone through all kinds of moments from the most beautiful and memorable ones to others in which I asked myself why I decided to move in the first place. It is never easy. There are too many barriers you have to overcome in daily basis. Now imagine how hard can be for a child, who is still in the process of defining who they are, being different from the majority. How challenging might be for these young children to successfully integrate with their peers and  success academically when the society is not yet ready to be inclusive.

May this site provide each of you with support as we navigate our path to a multivariate world with the little ones.


Claudia Soruco.