Written by Claudia Soruco

Being a citizen of a diverse world means being part of a technological world where everybody is somewhat connected. And I say “somewhat” because there is still something call “language barrier” that prevents a full connection and communication among others. However, the appropriate use of technology can help us to address and minimize this problem. Technological tools, in fact, allow children to better learn a language, while in turn, allow them to be in tune with the new digital era. Only with good language and communication skills as well as a good use of electronic devices, this huge and diverse world can become a smaller and simpler one, a world easier to deal with.


children technology

It is not surprising that many of us wish that we could get the children’s attention like the iPad, cellphone, tablets, and computers do. But is not uncommon either that this desire comes with the concern of the actual benefits from having their children use these devices. For that reason let me show you 4 different strategies on how the use of technology can be very positive, particularly, in the process of acquiring and learning either first or second language based on current research.

1) “Multiple Exposure Through e-books”

A study found in the Journal of early childhood literacy, concluded that learning new vocabulary is more effective through the use of digital books instead of traditional ones. Why? Because of the images, audios, and translations available. Children can also learn new vocabulary better since they can listen over and over again to the stories contained in e-books.

Parents and teachers are encouraged to use diverse digital libraries available to them. Glenview Public Library, Tumble Book Library, and Story time Standouts are just some examples where they can find eBooks in different languages for preschoolers to fifth graders. These books are free of charge.

2) “Promoting Collaborative Writing Through Wikis and Chats”

This is especially beneficial to enhance the writing and grammar aspect of the language. Web 2.0 tools such as Wikis and Chats can be used both at school and home.

At school, for example, all together can create a story, where each member could have the responsibility to add a paragraph or sentence. Young children can contribute by drawing or spelling different words. Stories posted on wikis can add illustrations, photos, and even videos that can reinforce the learning language. At the end of the stories, teacher could add questions to promote discussion among learners such as “What do you think of the story?” “Do you agree with its ending?” “ Why or Why not?” “ Could you think of other similar stories?”

Children’s production can be shared with other children around the world, opening a space for conversations.

Parents could monitor and assist children with their homework posted on Wikis, they also can see their children’s progress, and check the calendar for future events and school activities. Wikis and chat could be an appropriate tool for promoting dialogue with children about what is happening in school and how children are doing. Instead of just asking every day “How was school today,” they could say “How was your Science project about rocks today?” based on the information parents obtain from Wikis and chats.

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3) “Teaching with Video Games”

Incorporating video games into the curriculum may require a lot of planning. To facilitate this task, teachers can talk with the school librarian, other teachers, and with the children about what would be a useful and relevant age-appropriate video game. They need to plan how to wisely distribute the time between video games and physical play with other children. Since both activities aid children to expand their language, teachers should recognize when and for how long each of these games (electronic and non-electronic) need to be allowed and promoted. The same can be said for parents, when playing video games, it is important to limit their children’s time, and combined with other physical and social activities. The adult supervision and assistance would be necessary to ensure that children are getting benefits from the video game.

4) Supporting mobile-assisted language learning: Cellphones, I pads.”


children ipad

There are many cost efficient apps that parents and teachers can get for their children to promote and foster their language development. Bilingual students could benefit from apps such as Intro to letters, sounds right, hello-hello English, adventures for kids, duolingo, menrise, and many others. These apps are available for iPhones, tablets, smartphones, and iPads, and they include many languages: Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, French, etc.

Schools should contemplate the idea of incorporating these mobile devices into their classrooms, and allocate funds for their purchase. However, logistic and technical issues should be considered before its implementation. It includes: wireless access, maintenance costs, and infrastructure needed. In the case of preschool classrooms, these devices could be placed in the “listening centers”

Although technology offers benefits, the active role of the teacher and parents is still fundamental in the process of using these tools. Technological devices alone will not make a difference in children’s language learning and development. Planning, scaffolding, and supervision are always necessary.

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Para Todo Tipo de Madres

“Todos somo diferentes y eso es hermoso” – Karen Salmansohn Por Claudia Soruco   Dado que estamos en el mes donde agasajamos a nuestras madres, me gustaría tomar un tiempo para honrar y apreciar a TODAS las madres de todo tipo en este planeta. Las mamas vienen en todas las formas, tamaños, personalidades y circunstancias; pero sin duda alguna lo …

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To all Kinds of Moms

“ We are all different and that’s beautiful” – Karen Salmansohn

Written by Claudia Soruco

In light of mother’s day, I would like to take a moment to honor and appreciate ALL types of moms out there on this planet. Moms come in all shapes, sizes, personalities and circumstances; but certainly what they have in common is the unconditional love for their children.



working moms    For those working moms, I know how hard it must be for you when your kids grab onto you as you walk out the door for another workday and say “Mommy stay home today!” Even if they do not say it, their gloomy look in their eyes when you are leaving might be hard enough to make you feel guilty and miserable. Let me express my most sincere admiration and recognition. Even though your child does not yet recognize the value of a career or an extra paycheck, he or she is extremely proud of you. I know this because I am one of them. I am the daughter of a hard working- woman, who has taught me to be strong, independent, responsible, and goal-oriented person. Seeing her battling each day at work, showed me that women, like men, are capable of succeeding in the workforce. The most valuable lesson I have learned from a working mom is to always fight for what I want and believe.

May you stop feeling and thinking that you cannot be a good mother because you are working, or that you are missing too much about your kids’ milestones because this is not truth. May you be easy in yourself, find creative ways to connect with your children during your days off, and always believe that you are doing a great job and you are doing enough.

For the stay-at- home-moms, do not ever think we are under the impression that you don’t do anything during the whole day. In fact, I also admire you for having the selfless, caring and strong determination and perseverance of waking up each morning and taking care of every detail of your child’s life and well being. I imagine it isn’t easy at all.

When people judge you or make comments such as “You don’t have a job” or “It must be nice to sleep and watch TV all day,” I would really like for them to take your place for at least one day: Running from here to there, having short amount of quiet time (when you go to the bathroom to check Facebook), trying to balance everything, and meeting the expectations of being the best mom in this world. Unfortunately, I cannot make that happen; however, I can encourage them to tell you a big THANK YOU! Thank you for teaching us patience, kindness and commitment when we watch you do your hard job every day.

Now it is the time to appreciate all the single moms for their remarkable sacrifice and their hard labor of raising children on their own. I see you working two jobs or extra hours so that you can have a birthday party for your child. I see you struggling to find a friend or family who can take care of your kids a few days because you have a business trip. I also see you crying at night because you feel overwhelmed and sometimes judged by society. I see you and at least in this special day I want to tell you “You got this”, “Your constant effort, time and energy are going to be over appreciated.” I want you to feel proud of yourself because you surely are teaching your kids they could do anything.

all kinds of moms

On mother’s day, I also want to celebrate all those moms who have lost a child. I don’t have the right words to comfort you, but please be aware of my profound love for you not only on this day, but also on every day of your existence. I know there is not a day, hour, or minute you stop missing your child and that you still feel that empty spaces never get filled. For that, let me send you a huge hug full of peace and hope and express my gratitude for teaching us that we should never take absolutely anything for granted.


For all of those who have taken the role of moms, whether they are dads, grandparents, guardians, adoptive moms, aunts, uncles, and more. You all are not forgotten, you also deserve this celebration. I do not your particular circumstance, but I know you are have taken on the mom’s role with pride and honor. Thank you for you smart decision to bring a child into your life and for your braveness of teaching loving values to someone who needed it the most.

To all Kinds of Moms, let’s celebrate your infinitive love, sacrifices, and hard work. And understand that you all together are the real meaning of motherhood.

Thank you for your time,

Leave your comments below 🙂 I would love to hear from you.

Claudia Soruco. 

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Receta: Como Tener Niños Felices, Preparados para Vivir en un Mundo tan Diverso

Por: Claudia Soruco Cuando hablamos de niños felices imaginamos niños sonrientes, optimistas, competentes, tranquilos, seguros y despreocupados ; niños que gozan cada instante y pequeño detalle que la vida les ofrece. Si bien todo lo anterior es cierto, pareciera que nos olvidamos de considerar un nuevo ingrediente, niños que sepan vivir felizmente en una sociedad llena de diversidad. Es decir, …

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